Fregeifier Web Interface
This interface can be used to leverage the power of exiting tools for complex or unusual mathematics found in LaTeX, and make use of them in other kinds of documents, such as web pages (html), word processor documents (MS Word’s docx, LibreOffice’s odt, etc.)
A great case in point is the logical notation of Gottlob Frege, which is very hard to do in non-LaTeX-based documents. The Amazing Fregeifier to the rescue!
Feel free to use the form below to convert a formula in modern notation or LaTeX code into an image you can embed in your documents.
If you choose a vector format, the image will be infinitely scaleable and should still look good when scaled to any size.
By default, the grundgesetze and fge (along with standard AMS math packages) packages are loaded; see below for their commands.
Create a Fregeified Image
If your formula is relatively complex, it is best to fill in the LaTeX commands directly below.
If your formula is relatively simple, you can create the LaTeX commands by converting from a formula in modern notation using → for a conditional (type: ->), ¬ for negation (type: ~), and ∀ for universal quantification (type: A). Click “create image” below afterwards.
Summary of commands from grundgesetze package. For more info, and more advanced usage, see its documentation.
Note that to use \GGterm{...} to align terminal portions, the \GGlinewidth length should be set, e.g., \setlength{\GGlinewidth}{60pt}.
Summary of commands from fge package. For more info, see its documentation.
Additional Info
- The Fregeifier is not limited to Frege notation. You can use it with any LaTeX code. To use other packages and commands, see the options under “Advanced” above.
- The Fregeifier is not just this web page. It also provides a filter for pandoc so you can use Frege notation in your markdown documents, or create documents with its output locally.
- You can install the Fregeifier on your own system, your own website, or make use of it in your own typesetting workflows, as does the Journal for the History of Analytical Philosophy.
- For more info on all these, see the GitHub repository for the project and its README.
- If you would appreciate more font or image type choices, let me know by email or by filing an issue on the project’s issue tracker.
A debt of gratitude is owed to the creators of LaTeX packages such as fge and grundgesetze, including J. J. Green, Marcus Rossberg, and others. Fans of Russell may also consider loading the principia package by Landon Elkind and using it as well.